Aesop Management Team

  • Anna Williams FCA, DChA

    Interim CEO since April 2024. Anna spent 30 years at Birmingham Royal Ballet, as COO and Interim CEO, before joining Aesop. She also has extensive non-executive experience, on the boards of the Young Vic, Bath Festivals and Theatre Development Trust.

Aesop Team

  • Charley Utton

    Marketing, Communications & Events Manager

  • Jodie Stus

    Regional Manager, West Midlands

  • Charlotte Bridle

    Programme Manager, Volunteer Manager

  • Kayla Dougan Bowtell

    Programme Manager, Dance Artists Manager

  • Preeti Madan

    Finance Manager

Aesop Trustees

  • Professor Kevin Fenton CBE

    Interim CEO, in post since February 2024. Among Kevin's many accomplishments and accolades, he currently holds post as Regional Public Health Director at NHS London, and Statutary Health Advisor to the Mayor of London. He has been chair of Aesop's board since 2018, and has championed its mission to provide well evidenced arts solutions to sectors such as health, social care and the criminal justice system.

  • Peter Daniel

    Partner in the London law firm Collyer Bristow, named four times as one of E-Private Client’s ‘Top 35 Under 35’ and named in Thomson Reuters’ 2015 list of ‘Super Lawyers’.

  • Mark Hampton

    Treasurer of Aesop. Former Group CFO of Collinson with a background in healthcare in the UK and the US. Non-Executive Director of Sigma Pharmaceuticals Plc.

  • Helen Gordon

    President of the Council, University of Reading’s governing body. Previously Chief Executive of the Science Council. Non-Executive Director & Leadership Coach.

  • Jacqui Thornton

    Health journalist, media trainer and facilitator, and a visiting lecturer in journalism at City, University of London.

  • Julia Casson

    Executive coach and consultant with a 22 year career in business management and strategic change within financial services.

  • Andrew Thompson CBE

    Previously Executive Chair of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Professor of Global and Imperial History and a Professional fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford University.


  • Tim Joss

    Tim Joss

    Founder of Aesop, died January 2024. Tim founded Aesop in 2014, on the principle of facilitating arts solutions to society's problems. He developed Aesop's flagship exemplar programme, Dance to Health, which has successfully paired falls-prevention exercise with creative dance, and established a solid evidence base for effectively addressing older people's falls, while celebrating and embodying the art of dance. Tim made Aesop into a driver of collaboration between the arts, health and social care, through research, national showcases, and a community of practice. Prior to Aesop, Tim was Artistic Director and CEO of the Bath International Music Festival, and was a founder of other national organisations including the Bath Literature Festival, National Numeracy, and the Arts Impact Fund. In 2005, he was appointed a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government.