Aesop has released the final Dance to Health Phase evaluation report. It can be viewed here, along with other resources. The research shows that dance with special ‘active ingredients’ can deliver an effective solution to the health challenges of older people’s falls while saving the NHS money. Below are a few highlights and stats taken from the report.

 ‘Dance to Health offers the health system an effective and cost-effective means to address the issue of older people’s falls.’ Dance to Health can reduce falls by 58% and significantly reduce admissions to hospital. [Sheffield Hallam University independent evaluation]

  ‘Aesop’s Dance to Health programme aims to operate at a national level to address a pressing public health need affecting older people. The approach adopted in the development, implementation and evaluation of Dance to Health – and the commitment to ‘access for all’ who could benefit – provides a powerful model that all providers of arts for health services should aspire to emulate.’ [Professor Stephen Clift, Director of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health] 

‘An important discovery was that, while Dance to Health reduces falls by 58%, the general statement ‘dance reduces falls’ is not true. There is something special about Dance to Health’s dance practice.’ [Aesop’s overall evaluation report pp5&28]