Throughout the spring our Dance to Health team has been busy collecting data from our Dance Artists, participants, partners and the volunteers themselves to create our first ever full evaluation of the volunteering programme at Dance to Health.

A mix of interviews, online surveys, questionnaires and group discussions have taken place and we now have a very comprehensive picture of the huge, positive impact our volunteers are having.

Each Dance Artist who works with a volunteer has said they enhance their sessions and three quarters said they can do more in sessions because of the volunteers’ support. The participants agree with two thirds reporting that they are able to do more in session when a volunteer is there.

There were many touching stories shared describing how the volunteers work one-to-one with participants, moments of magical improvement as people walked unaided for the first time in years and examples of friendship and community being built in groups due to the actions of volunteers.

This feedback has been invaluable and additional support and training is now being planned in light of the feedback you have given us.

Take a look at the headline findings in this infographic.

The volunteering roles are integral to Dance to Health and we look forward to working alongside our fabulous volunteers as the programme expands and develops. Many thanks to everyone who took part in the evaluation.

Find out more about Dance to Health volunteering opportunities